Letter from your Supervisor of Elections
We are moving quickly through the summer months and thankful for this time to prepare for the 2022 elections. We have recently been awarded $140,147 (no match) grant, which focuses on improving the physical and cyber security of elections.
Now that the Legislative session ended, we are working out the details of Senate Bill 90. Below are a
few of the results of SB90. Visit our website
VoteCitrus.gov for more details.
One requirement in SB90 states the public must be able to view and hear the process while canvassing an election. Due to this mandated change, we are in the process of installing audio/visual equipment in our observation room.
Our biggest project this year is redistricting. We are preparing our maps, precincts lines and voter data for the new census numbers.
Reapportionment and redistricting take place every ten years. After the Census data is released, the state will begin to draw the maps with new senate and congressional district boundary lines. On or about August 15th, 2021, we will receive the new data from the Census bureau.
In August we are implementing a system called ClearAudit. This product will allow us to audit the ballots from an entire election by scanning ballots in a standalone system. By law we are required to audit a single race and precinct in an election. This is another layer of integrity in the election process. We will write more about this in our next newsletter.
As you can see, we are very busy here in the election’s office. Our favorite part of elections is being out in the community with you! Please watch for us at your local events. We look forward to seeing you out in the community every Thursday at one of our outreach events. Please stop by and say hello.
Please contact our office for more information and suggestions.
Visit our website and Facebook by clicking the links below.
It is my pleasure to serve you,
Maureen ‘Mo’ Baird
Supervisor of Elections